Ultimate Toner 200ml

SGD 28.50
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A refreshing toner with Fermented Yeast Filtrate and plants extract to shrink pores and give your face a freshening feeling. It has Fermented Yeast Filtrate for whitening effect and in minerals, Chamomile extracts for the anti-inflammatory effect, Aloe Vera extract for skin soothing, and burdock extract for moisturizing and tightening of pores.

含有发酵酵母滤液及植物提取物的清爽调肤水,给予你的面部清新感觉的同时,有效收缩毛孔。发酵酵母滤液,有美白功 能和含矿物质;洋甘菊提取物成分,具有消炎功效;芦荟提取物舒缓肌肤;牛蒡提取物让毛孔紧致滋润。

Active Ingredients 活性成分

Witch Hazel Distillate, Chamomile extracts, Burdock Extract, Aloe Vera Extract, Saccharomyces Ferment Filtrate
